Flutter vs. React Native: Which One is the Best for App Development?

5 min read

In today’s digital world, we all know how much we use our mobile phones. Hence, for a business, having a mobile app has become a necessity. It’s crucial for business growth as well as customer engagement. When it comes to building apps, developers have a bunch of choices. But the two really popular ones are Flutter and React Native. They’re like the top players in the app-making game. This is clear as Flutter app development companies are thriving while React native app development services are on a boom.

In this article, we’ll help you decide which framework will be appropriate for your app project. We’ll compare Flutter and React Native, pointing out what they share and what sets them apart. We’ll also explore the strengths and weaknesses of both options.

What is Flutter?

To help developers with the development of native apps, Google released a feature-rich platform in 2015 named Flutter. Developers can perform the development of multiple requirements including mobile, web, and desktop using a single code source. Flutter has seen rapid growth due to its quick development features and easy-to-adapt UI.

The widget-based architecture of Flutter is one of its most notable characteristics. Flutter treats everything as a widget, making it simple to construct complex UI designs by mixing smaller, reusable building components. Flutter also makes use of the Dart programming language. Dart is popular for its speed and performance which makes it an excellent choice for app development.

What is React Native?

React Native, developed by Facebook, is a framework that lets developers build mobile apps using JavaScript and React. It came out in 2015 and promptly gained popularity among developers. React Native allows you to create native-like experiences by using JavaScript and leveraging a vast library of pre-built components.

React Native is known for its “learn once, write anywhere” philosophy. Developers familiar with web development using React can easily transition to building mobile apps with React Native. It also has a large and active community making it easy for React Native app development service providers. Meaning, there are plenty of resources, libraries, and plugins available to help with the development process.

Flutter vs. React Native: Similarities and Differences

While both Flutter and React Native are fantastic solutions for mobile app development, there are some key differences that should be considered.


  • Single Codebase: Both frameworks enable developers to write a single codebase for both iOS and Android apps. This way it reduces development time and effort.
  • Hot Reload: Both Flutter and React Native offer hot reload functionality. It enables developers to see real-time changes in the app without a second run.
  • Large Communities: Both frameworks have active and supportive development communities. This is how it is easier to solve common problems and gain access to libraries and tools.


  • Programming Language: Flutter uses the Dart programming language. It may require developers to learn it if they don’t already know. React Native uses JavaScript, a widely used language in web development.
  • Performance: Flutter is known for its high performance because it compiles native code. React Native relies on a bridge to communicate with native modules, which can impact performance in certain scenarios.
  • Customization: Flutter offers more extensive customization options due to its widget-based architecture. React Native relies more on third-party libraries for UI components.
  • Community and Ecosystem: React Native has been around longer, resulting in a larger ecosystem of libraries and plugins. Flutter, while growing rapidly, may have fewer available resources for some niche requirements.

Flutter: Pros & Cons


  • Fast Development: The hot reload functionality in Flutter speeds up development and debugging. This adds to the rapid app development process for a Flutter app development company
  • Native Performance: Flutter compiles to native code which ensures great performance.
  • Custom UI: Offers more control and flexibility over UI design.
  • Single Codebase: Write code once and deploy on both iOS and Android.


  • Learning Curve: Learning Dart may be challenging for developers accustomed to other languages.
  • Smaller Ecosystem: Fewer libraries and packages compared to React Native.

React Native: Pros & Cons


  • Familiar Language: Developers with JavaScript and React experience can transition smoothly.
  • Larger Ecosystem: A wealth of third-party libraries and plugins are available.
  • Strong Community: A well-established and active developer community provides support.
  • Cost-Effective: Can reduce development costs due to code reusability.


  • Bridge Overhead: The bridge between JavaScript and native code can impact performance.
  • Limited Customization: Some advanced UI customization may require native modules.
  • Development Dependencies: Frequent updates can lead to dependency issues.

Which is Easier to Learn: Flutter or React Native?

The ease of learning Flutter or React Native largely depends on your existing skillset and preferences.

If you already know JavaScript and React, React Native might be the way to go. It utilizes your current abilities.

On the flip side, if you’re all about performance and willing to pick up Dart, Flutter could be a rewarding choice.


When it comes to app development, both Flutter and React Native are strong contenders. Above-given factors will help you make a decision. If performance and flexibility are your priority and there is the willingness to learn Dart, Flutter may be your best bet.

If you prefer a bigger community, a language you already know, and an easier learning path, React Native could be the way to go. But remember, the “best” framework really depends on what your project needs and the skills of your development team.

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